Sunday, 26 February 2012

Introduction to this blog

About me and this blog...

My name is Nicki and I am definitely not a chef... I am just someone who is passionate about food! I have two other passions: travel and photography.  I would like to try and bring a flavour of both of those in here, but the primary focus is food. My inspiration is one of my favourite websites, also a combination of the three, called fxcuisine, check it out at

My parents brought me up trying all sorts of different foods, from many different cultures,  German to Chinese. My Mom is an amazing cook and my Dad also comes out with some pretty impressive dishes, so food was a big part of my upbringing. When friends used to visit when we were kids, my parents would serve up dishes they had never tried, saying it was part of their "culinary education".

As I got older, I started to travel a lot, and my tastes broadened, every new trip, we'd come home with "souvenirs" of new favourite dishes and accompanying recipes. At the moment my favourite cuisines are Vietnamese, Thai, Indian, Japanese and Italian.

I love to surprise family and friends with interesting dishes at dinner parties, and they often ask for recipes, so the idea is that I'll post them here where anyone can access and try them. I'll try to always acknowledge the source of the recipe, and add some extra tips for preparation from experience plus where to buy ingredients if you're from South Africa.  I'll also try to post as many pictures as possible, as practise for my new hobby of food photography.

I hope you enjoy the blog! Please feel free to follow it to always get the latest updates, and to post comments or questions, or even requests for other recipes.

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